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How API Discovery Empowers
AppSec Professionals and
Fuels Innovation

Nicole Jones

Nicole Jones|May 9, 2024

Manual discovery is a nightmare. Learn how automated API discovery provides AppSec teams with a holistic, secure API landscape.

As application security (AppSec) professionals, we understand the constant struggle to secure our ever-expanding digital landscapes. APIs often become blind spots, creating sleepless nights and doubts in our attack surface coverage. 

But there is a solution— adopting a continuous API discovery process. One that doesn’t involve manually tracking down API endpoints. 

Owning Your API Attack Surface

Imagine a world where:

  • Security Audits Become a Breeze: No more scrambling to identify in-scope APIs. A comprehensive inventory streamlines security assessments.

  • Developers Get What They Need, Fast: APIs are easily discoverable and documented, accelerating development cycles.

  • Risk Management Gets Real: Proactive identification of all APIs empowers you to prioritize threats and allocate resources effectively.

  • Breaches Become a Distant Memory: With all APIs identified and secured, you significantly reduce your attack surface.

These are just a few of our favorite outcomes achievable with a strong API discovery process.

How to Get There

Leading companies and security teams are embracing API discovery with urgency. Here's how they're doing it:

  • Leveraging Automation: Automated discovery tools take the heavy lifting out of finding APIs, saving valuable time and effort.

  • Centralized Inventory: A single source of truth for all APIs, including ownership, functionality, and access controls, ensures everyone is on the same page.

  • API-Centric Security: Security considerations are woven into the entire API lifecycle, from design to deployment.

  • Collaboration is Key: Open communication between AppSec and development teams fosters a culture of API security awareness.

Unlocking Your Holistic View

Building a holistic view of your API attack surface can be approached in a few different ways:

  • Network Scanning: Identify APIs within your network infrastructure.

  • Code Analysis: Uncover APIs embedded within applications and microservices.

  • Developer Engagement: Encourage developers to register and document their APIs during creation.

  • Legacy System Integration: Develop strategies to discover APIs within older, potentially undocumented systems.

Any one of these techniques will help you better understand your API landscape but deploying a combination of these methods is even better. For an efficient proactive approach, we recommend starting with code analysis and developer engagement.

Benefits Beyond Security

The benefits of a holistic API view extend far beyond just security. AppSec professionals, developers, and organizations as a whole will reap a multitude of positive changes:

  • Increased Confidence: Knowing you've secured all APIs creates a sense of control and accomplishment.

  • Reduced Stress: No more sleepless nights worrying about hidden vulnerabilities.

  • Empowered Developers: Faster API discovery improves developer productivity and innovation.

  • Improved Collaboration: A shared understanding of APIs fosters better communication across teams.

API discovery isn't just about plugging security holes; it's about owning your overall attack surface. By taking control of your API landscape, you can achieve a more secure, efficient, and collaborative development environment.

StackHawk's API Discovery capability is now in open beta. If you're interested in learning more, read our documentation here.

Nicole Jones  |  May 9, 2024

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