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July Newsletter:
Jira Integration, Apps Overview,
Moar CI/CD, and more


Ryan Severns|July 31, 2020

The Hottest News in the Hawks Nest: All of the latest on StackHawk. New features including a Jira integration, applications dashboard, and the latest CI/CD integrations.

The Changelog: New Features to Kaakaww About

july-2020-newsletter-img-1 image

  • Jira Integration. With the Jira integration, you can create Jira tickets with StackHawk findings. All of the relevant information is included for others on the team to fix the bug, with a link back to the original finding in StackHawk.

  • Applications Dashboard. The applications screen now includes a historical view into scan findings, with charts showing how the number of findings and managed findings have trended over time.

  • Scan Filtering. You are now able to filter scan results by application and environment. Find what you need faster.

  • CI/CD. We are big believers in test driven security in the CI pipeline. This month, we added Atlassian Bamboo and Azure Pipelines. We also officially launched our partnership with GitLab this month.

StackHawk + ZAP: Simon Bennetts Joining the Team

StackHawk is built on top of and contributes back to the open source Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP). We announced this month that Simon Bennetts, the core contributor and founder of ZAP, has joined the StackHawk team. We are excited to strengthen our relationship with the ZAP community, support the growth of the open source project, and team up in the mission of delivering developer first application security.

Read Simon’s Blog

Applications Screen: The AppSec Dashboard

Application security overview in StackHawk's applications screen, detailing current state and trends of security vulnerabilities over time. image

The improved applications screen has visualizations of historical scans showing trends of security bugs over time. Now you can determine where security gaps may exist and where additional focus may be needed. See finding histories across apps / services and environments, as well as the current state of findings.

Other Happenings: Because We Have to Keep Corporate Busy Somehow

📖 Reading Material

📽 Virtual Events

Come join us at our virtual booths at the virtual events we are sponsoring. Below is a list of where you can find us in the coming months.

📺 HawkTalks

Ryan Severns  |  July 31, 2020

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Add AppSec to Your CircleCI Pipeline With the StackHawk Orb

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